Why We're Here...

Have you been following this controversy in the news lately? My God, this woman is 5'10" , weighs 120 pounds, and wears a size 4! If anything, a randomly-selected height/weight chart would list her as underweight! Maybe I'm crazy, or under informed [as a man, I don't guarantee my opinion of female beauty is in sync with the womanly viewpoint], but I just don't get it!

A few facts upfront: as noted, I'm male, 5'9", and weigh around 360 pounds. I don't know if I should be talking about healthy/unhealthy weight, but I do know that there is a lot of prejudice against overweight people in America. Unlike discrimination based on gender, nationality, religion, sexual identity, or any number of other factors, this is perfectly legal and generally accepted. Yet, according to current studies, one-third of Americans are classified as "obese", and a majority of us are "overweight" [Interestingly enough, being a few pounds above your ideal weight may turn out to be more healthy that being thin].

So if most of us are in the same boat, why the negative reaction towards fat people? The Kansas study noted here gives the basic factors; several other studies, noted on the same page reinforce the observations. But those of us who are overweight, if pressed, can probably add some details:
- we don't dress well; I'm not talking about keeping up with fashions that, as noted in the article at the top of this post, are designed for people who are unnaturally thin. Many of us dress sloppily, or in unflattering styles. Some of this is because we can't find, or afford, clothing designed for our shapes. No matter what your clothing budget, though, an attractive look is available for almost anyone. This blog will pass on articles addressing clothing decisions that will help you to look good;
-we don't care about our grooming; This one is closely connected to the first issue. When the images we see in advertising and entertainment seem to exclude "people like us", it's hard to get enthusiastic about style and [yes] hygiene issues. I don't really know what to do about this one, except to remind you that you are responsible for yourself - and that includes your appearance;
-we don't seem to care; How you feel about yourself has a great deal to do with how the world sees you. I will include stories about being positive, believing in yourself, knowing that you are worthy of looking good, no matter your weight.

Of course, the real solution to "the overweight issue" is to not be overweight. You will also find information here on weight-loss issues, exercise tips, and other information that can help in your journey. This is not a "quick fix" problem, so you'll also find items of encouragement, stories of those who had a harder, longer road than you, but found the strength to change. I hope you, the readers will also contribute to this "road diary"; I could certainly use the encouragement, the advice, the humor [if there can be humor in sex, there's humor in this too]. Others who read this could use it, too. Please share.

-Mike Riley

PS: To get us off to a good start, here are eight weight-loss tips from around the world.